The World's biggest pickup truck. Move over International CXT it's the Volvo Very LARGE Pickup on Biglorryblog!
"Hey Brian," says Gazza 'Two Hats' Richards, Volvo and Mack's national manager for product management and promotion down-under. "Another scoop for BLB!! Volvo reveals a new conventional..a medium duty pickup no less - or a 'big Ute' in Aussie speak!! Check this out! And to do so click through here for more
Gary continues: "In reality, I have NO idea what it is (or who built it) but I am sure someone will tell us all about this very impressive mod on a VHD !! " So maybe it should be called a VLP? (For Volvo LARGE pickup)
Well I can see this putting the kitty amongst the cooers niot least when the good folk at International see it. After all they robably thought THEY had the World's biggest production pickup and here it is!
Yes the mighty International CXT! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! (Sorry I got carried away there...)
Da,sunt de admirat ca la varsta lor mai au curajul sa lupte, dupa cum vad Batista se misca destul de repede,ii si mai obijnuit cu luptele ca Mariusz ,el luptand si in WWE.Am vazut ca se antreneaza cu Marrese Crump
Oricum nu conteaza varsta atata timp cat exista vointa
Batista - MMA Workout
Si un clip haios
Cam asa ii,da nu se stie ,din ce vad ,vad ca lupta bine....mai nou vad ca si Batista se antreneaza pentru vrea sa il vad luptand...
Nu cred ca ii asa rea viata la H.Essers,avem un membru care lucra la ei de aproape un an,nu s-a plans de bani(ca nu ii primeste sau intarzie) doar ata ca sunt putini,in jur de 1500 1600 de euro.
Felicitari Politiei Romane/ARR-ului/Jandarmilor!!!!Va doresc o baie spumoasa cu mult mult ciment!!!! Pungi de pufuleti ce sunteti!!!
ca stim sa ramanem uniti ca
degetele unei singure maini stranse intr-un pumn
care sa loveasca, sa dea o riposta ferma oricarui
agresor de oriunde a veni.'
B.u.g Mafia