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Orice postat de L6TT

  1. L6TT


    Pentru cei care s-au infuriat pe idea mea. Este o idee. Nu va speriati ca nu sa va schimb eu modul de plata. Este doar o idee. In legatura cu citatul de mai sus, citi Km a parcurs acel sofer? Sint curios cit ii revine pe Km plata. Asta in ideea cu cei 20 de eurocenti pe Km. Daca luam in calcul si impozitele la stat, sint convins ca aceo 20 de centi sint avantajosi si pentru patron, nu asa cum s-a afirmat ca nu o sa fie nimeni dispus sa plateasca asa de mult.
  2. L6TT


    Cunosti multe legi care sint bune? Tocmai ca o lege este menita sa ingradeasca libertatile nu sa le promoveze.
  3. L6TT


    Daca muncesti doar 2 ore pe zi nu este umilinta. Altfel?
  4. L6TT


    DucuHD tocmai ca plata la un salariu fix este umilinta. Indiferent de cit de greu muncesti la fel esti platit. kr13t14n mai jos in diagrama din primul link indica si costurile soferului exprimate in centi pe km. Toate costurile de operare sint calculate in functie de distanta parcursa.
  5. L6TT


    Nu am cum sa schimb eu legea si nici nu cred ca o pot face. Dar ginditi-va la cum ar fi spre exemplu o plata de 20 de eurocenti pe km. Este una acceptabila si la soferi si la patroni. Sa luam o distanta lunara de 5000-8000 km. Asta vine 1000-1600 de euro pe luna. Multi de aici spun ca scot 1300-1400 de euro pe luna chiar si in tara. In cazul pe care l-am prezentat cred ca se poate face mai mult de 1300-1400 in aceleasi conditii.
  6. L6TT


    Credeam ca ma poti contrazice cu argumente nu cu vorbe goale. Nu am scris ca in toate tarile, ci in multe tari.
  7. Este doar o propunere si nu in toata Franta ci doar in centrul oraselor. Pot lua exemplul de la Americani unde nu au multe masini (si nici toate camioanele) pe diesel.
  8. L6TT


    In multe tari se practica plata la numarul de km. Altfel ar trage firma de soferi sa mearga cit mai mult pe zi, iar plata ar fi aceeasi.
  9. kenworth, pe Vasi Budure il cunosti? Vinde un Argosy se pare pretul mi se pare mare pt milele parcurse.
  10. Ce am gasit de vinzare pe un site in Germania: Freightliner Argosy la un pret triplu fata de cit este la el acasa.
  11. L6TT


    din cauza asta plata pe km este de preferat. cistig mai mare la numar mai mare de km parcursi.
  12. Corect! Ui-te mai improspatez si eu un pic subiectul:
  13. L6TT

    Viata de sofer

    Am gasit un mic articol scris de o soferita in care abordeaza viata/profesia de sofer intr-un fel mai deosebit. Wow....I see a couple good answers, but a bunch of answers from a bunch of people who clearly know nothing about truck driving and who think college is the be-all, end-all answer for everyone! Sheesh.....(I have a friend with a Masters Degree who is still waitressing in order to pay her bills...another friend in his 30's just now completing his PhD and still struggling to pay rent on an apartment- if you want to talk about college and good money...Money is not everything, and my friends love what they do....but don't act like a college degree is the best or only way to land a high paying job.) And NO *company* makes you pay for your fuel, that's just stupid. Owner-operators are the only ones who pay for their own fuel...and at 21 just starting out, I highly doubt the asker is even thinking along those lines. All major companies issue their drivers a fuel card (Comdata, T-Chek, Fleet One, something like that)....and you simply swipe your fuel card and enter your trip information at the little kiosk at the fuel pumps. To address the main question here....There IS good money to be made out here. It's not going to come at you right away (your first 2 yrs, you'll be lucky to bring in $35-40k....or right around $6-700 a week most of the time).....but if you truly ENJOY truck driving, and you're not afraid to step away from the "usual" dry-van hauling for the big carriers, and learn how to do something a bit more specialized (like car hauling, heavy haul flatbed, or driving for one of the stage show companies) will start seeing the money increase exponentially. With experience comes better pay- even if you do NOT want the added work and risk that comes with specialized hauling, opportunities with companies like FedEx Freight and Wal-Mart, and several grocery store chains, can bring you upwards of 70k a year, not to mention more hometime and excellent benefits. You need 3-5 years of safe OTR driving to make it there, but it's there if you want to work for it. I started driving a truck when I was 21....after spending 3 years in college for Ad/PR and deciding it was NOT FOR ME. Trucking is not a job, it is a lifestyle. Like anything, to really enjoy trucking, you have to LOVE it. You can't be in it just for the money, otherwise sooner or later, the "cons" will outweigh the "pros". I've always been a loner, a drifter, a traveler.....I've never liked being pinned down to a predictable routine. Even the things that make other drivers boiling mad (breakdowns, shipping/recieving delays, bad weather, etc)....don't usually even get me aggrevated. I just sort of take it and roll with it. My job rarely, if ever, feels like a "job" feels more like being at home, only the scenery out my front window changes every day I also started out without any sort of "home life" holding me back. No husband, no kids....just me and my dog, together, alone out here on the road. I later met my husband as he drove for the same company I was with....naturally, we began driving together. Neither of us wants kids, or desires that whole "white picket fence in the suburbs" thing....we're out on the road sometimes 6 months at a time, and it doesn't faze us a fact, last time we went home it was for 11 days...and we were just about to go out of our minds with boredom and a need to get back behind the wheel. We bring home over 6 figures per year together and our average monthly expenses (bills and food/necessities total) barely tops 1, the math, then tell ME I should have gone to college?? Most of the "college graduates" I know right now are up to their ears with some stupid adjustible rate mortgage, two car payments, a monotonous 9 to 5 job and a boss who stands over their shoulder barking orders at them all day long. Trucking is NOT the job for everyone....I admit I am probably an oddity in that I just thrive on this lifestyle....but there can be a lot of good opportunities out here for the RIGHT PERSON....and it ticks me off when I see everyone start cramming 'college' down someone's throat without taking into account that persons' situation.
  14. Unul American cu bucatarie, toaleta si dus.
  15. Volvo nu vinde modelele Europene in America, ci doar modele specifice pietii. Ui-te un link aici cu oferta curenta. Nu exista model European in America, precum nici invers nu merge (in special datorita cerintelor de lungime totala).
  16. Mai multe imagini
  17. Ca cele din Kuweit care forau in zacamintul petrolier din Irak? De acolo a pornit tot razboiul. Le fura petrolul.
  18. L6TT


    Repere internationale de salariu, sper sa ajute prin comparatie cu alte tari.
  19. L6TT

    sa mai acceptam?

    vejnica lupta intre angajat si angajator. totusi cine plateste pe cine?
  20. Pentru a raspunde la intrebarea intiala trebuie sa fi condus ambele stiluri, altfel numai parari subiective apar. Cele Americane au un avantaj de siguranta in caz de accident avind distanta mare intre bara din fata si sofer. Sint doua stiluri diferite de camioane pe doua continente total diferite. In America nu se prefera cele cu cabina peste motor. Au fost produse asemenea modele dar nu au avut un succes comercial pe masura celor cu motor in fata. Cele Europene nu se importa in America, dar folosesc in mare parte subansamble in comun (in special motoare). Unii soferi prefera lungimea camionului cit mai mare, distanta dintre punti avind si un grad mai mare de confort. Altii le lasa si mai jos pentru aspect in general, tip lowrider una lunga si joasa
  21. Salut. Numai cele Americane imi sar in minte acum care se potrivesc la descrierea celui care a deschis topicul. Din fericire in US se pot conduce si cu permise de masina mica fiind sub 12 tone toate.,%2BRecreational%2BVehicle%2BHauler/70895
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